Thursday, August 4, 2011

July Stats

As readers of this blog know all to well, I have been working on P90X instead of specifically training for triathlons. My rationale has been, I am taking a break it improve my swimming.  Well in the month of July I spent very very little time in the pool.  I know, I know, I can't improve by just thinking about it or wishing it.

I have been reading books and watching videos and even watching videos of myself floundering in the pool.  So I have been "working on it".

So now that I have 2 weeks left on this round of P90X, I have decided to not only stop just visualizing swimming but actually get back to doing it consistently.  Follow the plan.  So I am going to just do it.

My training stats for July were:
Bike:        19h 22m 55s  - 333.37 Mi

Run:         13h 35m 30s  - 106.55 Mi

Strength:  16h 15m

This does not include the little swimming I did.  So this month I will be adding about 5 - 6 hours of  swimming to these totals.  It may sound a little aggressive but I have to do it if I want to improve and I do want to improve.

I also will be seeing a nutritionist next week.  I have a motor that just doesn't stop but I think I am starving it of needed nutrition.  Lets hope that I will actually eat the foods they recommend.  I am totally stubborn like that.

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