Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekend Long Run

This weekend's long run was a 22 mile run that was a store to store out and back.   It was a tough run.
We gathered at the store at 8:00 am.  While listening to the pre race announcements, expecting to get the route was informed that we would be given a scavenger hunt like route at each water stop.

I was like WTF?  Seriously?  Well I decided to make the best of it and just go.  The course itself had the best of all running surfaces.  We ran some on the greenway, then through Umstead on crushed gravel and the road.

A couple of things about this.  1.  The people at the water stops weren't prepared to give the clues/route  to people who didn't want water.  2.  For a 10 mile out and back you should have more than just 2 water stops and 3.  You should have them both ways.  I understand that you had shuttle service to take runners back tot he start point for the other stores.  I understand that this was more about promotion of the stores than about the actual run but come on.  Give us who are training and using this as a long run a break.

We enough about the organizers and about my run.  At first I was thinking I was going to make this a really easy run.  Slower pace and just move along.  But then as I started running I remember that I needed to be back in 3 hours.  yikes.  So I sped up.  The course was challenging,  Lots of ups and downs.

It was insane.  My pacing was totally off.  I was up and down.  Fortunately I was still able to finish my 22 miles in time but geez it was hard work.

This was also my last long run before my marathon.  I am still hitting the 20 mile wall and seriously suffering.  My next training cycle will definitely include more 20+ mile runs.

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