I know that I have posted about this before but it bears repeating. I just can't master swimming.
I am extremely frustrated with my progress. Well at least I am progressing so that is a bonus. I have had two great coaches. Read tons of books and spent hours in the pool. I have tried every method of swimming known to man and still I am crawling along.
Recently I think I turned a corner and graduated from toddler to pre-teen, no wait, I have seen small kids that would swim laps around me. I am getting there. I have 2 months until my first open water tri. Yes I am going from barely swimming 350 without stopping to 1500 in just a couple of months.
Like I said earlier, I know that I have said all this before, but I am just venting.
Keep swimming, one day it will just click, the feel of the water. You have come a long way already!