Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This morning I want to ramble a little about training and training plans.  Most runners and triathletes that I know follow training plans leading up to their events.
I am such a stickler for a "plan" that I even have a plan for off seasons.  I am totally fixated on my training plan.  I do not like ever finishing a mile short or mile over my plan.  So much so that if I am running with someone else and they want to go for a shorter distance, I run my scheduled run/ride and then go back out to run with them.

Speaking of training partners.  I am finding that it is becoming more and more important that I have training partners.  Not because of the need to be social but for the push.  It's so easy for me to get out and just run alone.  My mind just blanks and I just pound out the miles.

However when I do that, I am running at "race pace".  Every run becomes a timed event and I am concerned with hitting a per minute mile pace.  I am looking to finish within a certain time limit.  Not working on mechanics.  Not thinking about breathing and cadence.  Just go hard, go long, go fast.

The same on the bike.  I have to remember there are other things I need to consider than time.  Pacing, nutrition, support.  Normally when I am cycling, just like running, I just go out and hammer out the miles.  But with cycling, you can't do that.

You have to remember to drink, to eat, to spin going up hill.  To allow gravity to pull you down hill.  Staying in aero even when you do not feel like it.  I know going into an ironman or half ironman, that I will just try to sprint the entire distance and I am sure I will burn myself out within the first 20 miles and have nothing left in the tank.  So I really need to remember that Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect".  Sorry but Mr Lombardi is right.

Any triathlete will tell you, in their mind they are doing everything correct, until they look at themselves on video or receive a critique from a coach, training partner.  Then we refocus concentrate on the little details and improve.

I know that because of the volume and intensity of my training plan, I will spend lots of time training alone.  But I really need to make a more conscience effort to schedule weekend training around times I can have a partner.  

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I know that I have posted about this before but it bears repeating.  I just can't master swimming.

I am extremely frustrated with my progress.  Well at least I am progressing so that is a bonus.  I have had two great coaches.  Read tons of books and spent hours in the pool.  I have tried every method of swimming known to man and still I am crawling along.

Recently I think I turned a corner and graduated from toddler to pre-teen, no wait, I have seen small kids that would swim laps around me.  I am getting there.  I have 2 months until my first open water tri. Yes I am going from barely swimming 350 without stopping to 1500 in just a couple of months.

Like I said earlier, I know that I have said all this before, but I am just venting.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week Recap

This weekend was my first long run since Disney.  Well I was supposed to do 16 last weekend but a route snafu ended the run at 13.3.  This weekend with a little better planning I did my complete 18 mile run.  Love it.  Felt so much better than the 13.3 miles last weekend.  Not sure what I did differently.  The course was actually harder this week than last and it was definitely colder.

I went for a 25 mile ride yesterday.  Also felt great.  Lots of energy.  Unfortunately there was lots of wind so my time wasn't as good as I felt on the bike.

I attended a Multisport Expo this weekend and from talking to a coach about nutrition.  This is going to be a major point of emphasis going into this tri season.  Eating properly and then fueling properly during and after workouts.

There's no magic bullet is the message I received loud and clear.  What's good or what works for some may not work as good for me.  I will be doing lots of trials in the next couple of months.