I recently signed up for my first half ironman. I am excited and scared to death about it.
I am sure that the ride and the run shouldn't be a major obstacle but the swim has me on the verge of a panic attack.
In the group of athletes you hear over and over how people have gone from not being able to swim at all to swimming over a mile in less than 6 months. Well I have been struggling with swimming for more than 3 years. I have taken lessons, I have put in the time at the pool. I have listened to tip after tip and tried everything imaginable.
Don't get me wrong, I have improved, considerable. But not to the point where I feel remotely comfortable swimming this kind of distance. I have recently began open water swimming. My goal is to increase my confidence.
I am not giving up. I will make it.
LOL, did two different people write this post???? This sounds like doing the Indy 500 and not having a driver's license.....