Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I know that I have been talking about my life as a new triathlete but I have decided to take a step back and work on my core strength.  I have decided to do P90X and take some time to greatly improve my swimming. 

I have one more triathlon scheduled for this year.  That will be the Three Little Pigs in Smithfield, NC.  This was my first tri and I have a time to beat.  So we will see how much I have improved over the year. 

What has replaced my run and bike is P90X.  I know that I am getting on the bandwagon late but better late than never.  Physically, I do not think it will be a problem.  The tough part will be the diet (yes that is a four letter word to me). 

I have never really ate properly.  Fortunately I inherited great genes that allowed me to abuse my body for 40+ years and not really pay for it yet.  But lately I have received some warning signs that I better start paying attention.

I actually started P90X on 5.23.11.  I am doing a modified version so that I can continue to run, bike, and swim just to maintain a level of stamina in each.  But it will not be any where near the level of exercise that I am use to. 

As an added incentive, my son JC has also started this workout.  Wish us luck.  I will post progress reports.

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