Well I have been bitten royally by the injury bug.
The week following the Tobacco Road Marathon, I was out for a little run. Nothing too intense, just getting back out there. With about 2 miles to go in a short 6 mile run, I notice a pain in my left Achilles. I thought it was just a twinge so I slowed down and finished my run. Nothing major. That night I had an event and was on my feet all night. Not able to rest or treat it. The next morning pain was intense and I could not really put any weight on my foot and again, I had another function that required me to walk around.
This was last Wednesday. I thought I would take a couple of days off, R-I-C-E it and then get started. Well as the week ended and my gait was ok, I thought I was safe. Sunday afternoon, I go out for a run. I tell myself to take it easy the first couple of miles just to ensure that everything was good. I make it two miles and the pain once again kicks in. Full blast. So bad that I had to stop. I actually had to call my wife to pick me up. Talk about being bummed out.
But I am an optimist. I think this is just going to help me with the other disciplines. Lord knows I need to work on my swim and cycling so for now that is what I am going to focus on. I think the extra time in the pool will definitely help. I know that the extra time on the bike will help.